Understanding – Piece by Piece

Core Aspects of Reconciliation

Kernaspekte der Aussöhnung

Standards for Reconciliation Support in International Affairs

The issue of reconciliation is a deeply human issue that cannot be dealt with by legal means alone.
The desire for justice and reconciliation is contrasted with the challenges of taking responsibility and dealing with it….


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Standards für Aussöhnungsprozesse in internationalen Beziehungen

Das Thema Versöhnung und Aussöhnung ist ein zutiefst menschliches Thema. Dieses kann mit juristischen Mitteln alleine nicht bewältigt werden.
Neben dem Wunsch nach Gerechtigkeit und Ausgleich, stehen die Herausforderungen die Verantwortungübernahme und der Umgang damit.

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Acknowledgement of Past Wrongs and their Aftermaths

„No Future without Forgiveness“ is the name of the book by Desmond Tutu published in 1999.
The concept of forgiveness is a deeply philosophical and psychological one. It is meaningful and challenging to realize….


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Anerkennung der Geschehnisse und deren Folgen

„No Future without Forgiveness“ heißt das Buch von Desmond Tutu erschienen 1999.
Der Begriff Vergebung ist ein zutiefst philosophischer und psychologischer Begriff. Er ist bedeutungsvoll und anspruchsvoll…mehr erfahren>>>

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Apology in International Affairs

A deeper look at the historical roots of international conflicts reveals that a large part of these conflicts are not only due to obviously known adversaries and problems, but are also the result of old, unresolved conflicts. …


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Entschuldigungen in internationalen Beziehungen

Ein tieferer Blick auf die historischen Wurzeln internationaler Konflikte zeigt, dass ein großer Teil dieser Konflikte nicht allein den offensichtlich bekannten Gegnern und Problemen geschuldet ist, sondern sich auch als Ergebnis alter, nicht aufgearbeiteter Konflikte darstellt. …

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Additional Aspects
Working Papers

Weitere Aspekte

Judgment - Peace

In translation process

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Bewertungen - Frieden

In welchem Maß hängen Bewertung und Frieden zusammen?

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Is the pressure of suffering supposed to make us change our perspective?

The need for different perspectives in
interpersonal conflicts and global relations

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Soll der Leidensdruck uns den Perspektivwechsel abringen?

Die Notwendigkeit anderer Blickwinkel in
interpersonellen Konflikten und globalen Beziehungen

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Peace for Afghanistan is possible

A fundamental change in the attitude of the foreign power players is essential. A new dialogue with all parties involved and causally responsible is necessary to find a sustainable solution….


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Frieden für Afghanistan ist möglich

Es bedarf einer grundlegenden Änderung der Haltung der ausländischen Machtakteure. Ein neuer Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und den ursächlichen Verantwortlichen ist notwendig um eine nachhaltige Lösung zu finden….


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Cooperation in Historical Conflicts

A Visualization

Lawyers are the ones who dominate the scene from the very beginning. In line with their professional attitude and socialization, they focus on the interests of their clients. Unfortunately, this is focused on money and power interests and usually far from a humanitarian view. With this attitude, they get involved in negotiations far too early and propose a final deal that neglects those affected.

Mediators are the most neglected actors in international peace processes. They have the human being with his needs and feelings in focus. With their transformative, empathic approach, they are able to enable the conflict parties to achieve an essential change of perspective.

Cooperation in Historical Conflicts
Cooperation in Historical Conflicts

Those affected, who are also seen as victims, are the actual main actors. They in particular are often not adequately included in the peace process. Inclusivity is the appropriate keyword. What they urgently need to regain their dignity is acknowledgement accompanied by remorse and mourning for the past wrongs committed by the perpetrators. This restores dignity to the victims and the person-to-person connection increases for the ability to reach a settlement.

Lawyers are the ones who dominate the scene from the very beginning. In line with their professional attitude and socialization, they focus on the interests of their clients. Unfortunately, this is focused on money and power interests and usually far from a humanitarian view. With this attitude, they get involved in negotiations far too early and propose a final deal that neglects those affected.


Mediators are the most neglected actors in international peace processes. They have the human being with his needs and feelings in focus. With their transformative, empathic approach, they are able to enable the conflict parties to achieve an essential change of perspective.

Cooperation in Historical Conflicts

Those affected, who are also seen as victims, are the actual main actors. They in particular are often not adequately included in the peace process. Inclusivity is the appropriate keyword. What they urgently need to regain their dignity is acknowledgement accompanied by remorse and mourning for the past wrongs committed by the perpetrators. This restores dignity to the victims and the person-to-person connection increases for the ability to reach a settlement.

Intended peace comes from people, the systems work against it!

Gewollter Frieden geht von Menschen aus, die Systeme wirken dagegen!